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The Orgelbüchlein Project Vol.4: Christian Life And Conduct

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The Orgelbüchlein Project is a collective composition project aiming to complete Bach's unfinished manuscript known as 'Orgelbüchlein'. In the 'Little Organ Book', Bach laid out a complete hymnal of short organ chorale, 164 in all, but only completed 46 of them. Why the remaining 118 were left as blank pages, with only a title at the head, remains a mystery, but they inspired organists William Whitehead to found the Orgelbüchlein Project, in which contemporary composers are invited to contribute a piece to completing the collection. The resulting collection, to be published in eight volumes, represents a cross-section of the most interesting composers at work today across Europe. More information about the project is available at List of Composers: Nigel Allcoat, Johann Sebastian Bach, Sally Beamish, Christian von Blohn, Timothy Byram-Wigfield, John Butt, Stephen Hough, Just Janulyt , Simon Johnson, Jonas J rkunas , Daniel Kidane, Till Alexander Körber, Ronny Krippne, David Matthews, Nico Muhly, Anthony Powers, Tarik O'Regan, Roxanna Panufnik, Poul Ruders, Sven-David Sandström, Robert Saxton, Peter Shepherd, Andrew Synnott Zsigmond Szathmáry William Whitehead / Orgue

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