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Music Theory For Young Children, Book 3 - 2Nd Edition

This series of books uses a fun and novel way to teach children the fundamentals of music theory. Games and stickers are used to introduce all of the essentials such as staves, clefs, note identification, time signatures, key signatures, note values, and rest values. This child-centered series uses clear and simple instructions, appealing illustrations, and a variety of self-motivating exercises, such as tracing, coloring, and pasting. Includes: Treble Clef Notes * Bass Clef Notes * Notes on the Stave * Bar-Lines and Time Signatures * Rests * Time Names and Time Values * Accidentals * Assessment. / Formation Musicale

Instrumentation :

Musical Awakening

Publisher :

Alfred Publishing

European Sellers
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LMI-Partitions (french language only) : 3-5 days
Music Theory For Young Children
11.61 EUR - Ships from France
LMI-Partitions (french language only) : 3-5 days
Music Theory For Young Children, Book 3 - 2Nd Edition
12.10 EUR - Ships from France

Content :
Ng Ying Ying

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