| Piano-Girafe Vol.2 16.80 EUR - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-5 daysSonatinas form a vital part of the teaching material for beginner and intermediate piano students. Compared to the great classic piano sonatas, they are technically and musically simpler and typically shorter. However, they still convey the basic elements of Classical style: the relation of melody to accompaniment, articulation, stylistically authentic playing, and correct interpretation. For the two volumes of Giraffe Piano, the most favoured and instructive of the sonatinas have been chosen. Volume 1 contains simpler pieces and Volume 2 is compromised of moderately difficult ones. Correct interpretation of the pieces is facilitated by added performance and fingering marks. Learning is helped along by clear presentation of the score, carefully placed page turns, and by inspiration from colour images showing the keyboard instruments of the 1720-1820 period for which the pieces were written. The most notable of them is the giraffe piano, after which the collection is named. / Piano Instrumentation : Publisher : | |
Content : Auteurs Divers Sonatina in F major, Op. 34 #5Sonatina in G major, Op. 36 #2Sonata in G majorSonata in G minorSonatina in F major, Kinsky Halm Anh. 5 #2Sonatina in D majorSonatina in F major, Op. 168 #1Sonatina in F major, Op. 151 #1Sonatina in G majorSonata in G major, Hob. XVI 8Sonata in G major, Hob. XVI g1 | |