Content : Auteurs Divers Advent: O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Tröstet, tröstet Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Die Nacht ist vorgedrungen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Weihnachten: Und das Wort war Fleisch Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Kommt und laßt uns Christum ehren Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Kommet ihr Hirten Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Fröhlich soll mein Herzespringen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Singt, singt dem Herren neue Lieder Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Herr unser Herrscher Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Der Herr behüte dich Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Jesu Kreuz Leiden und Pein Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt O Welt sieh hier dein Leben Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Holz auf Jesu Schulter Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Ostern und österliche Zeit: Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Mit Freuden zart Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Die ganze Welt, Herr Jesu Christ Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Der Herr ist auferstanden Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Taufe: Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kommen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Konfirmation: Mein Gott, der du hoch bauest Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Gott erwartet euch Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Pfingsten: Komm, Gott, Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Heilger Geist, du Tröster mein Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Schmückt das Fest mit Maien Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Erntedank: Nun preiset alle Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Ich will den Herrn loben alle Zeit Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Erd und Himmel sollen singen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Reformation: Lobt Gott getrost mit Singen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Erhalt uns Herr Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Such wer da will Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Ende des Kirchenjahres: O Jesu, du mein Herr und Gott Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt O Herr, nimm unsre Schuld Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Ach wie flüchtig Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Gottesdienst: Straßburger Kyrie Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Gott in der Höh sei Preis und Ehr Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Allein auf Gottes Wort Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt O süßer Herre Jesu Christ Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Heilig Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Christe, du Lamm Gottes Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Geheimnis des Glaubens Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Ich bin das Brot des Lebens Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Psalmlieder zu vielen Gelegenheiten: Herr unser Herrscher Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Herr, der du meine Stärke bist Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Mein Hirt ist Gott der Herr Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Schmecket und sehet Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Ein feste Burg Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Der starke Gott im Himmelreich Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Das ist köstlich, dir zu sagen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Singt, singt dem Herren neue Lieder Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Singt dem Herrn ein neues Lied Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Nun lob mein Seel den Herren Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Ich danke Gott Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Das ist mir lieb Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Der Herr behüte dich Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Wenn der Herr einst die Gefangenen Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Sätze von: Karl Heinz Hüttenberger (*1931) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Gottfried Neubert (1926 1983) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Johannes Petzold (1912 1985) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Joachim Kleindt (*1935) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Dietrich Schuberth (*1931) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Leonhard Lechner (1553 1606) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Herbert Peter (*1926) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Paul Horn (*1922) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Hans Friedrich Micheelsen (1902 1973) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Seth Calvisius (1556 1615) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Paul Becker (um 1650) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Manfred Schlenker (*1926) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Armin Knab (1881 1951) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Jan Bender (1909 1994) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 1767) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Balthasar Resinarius (1480 1546) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Johann Erasmus Kindermann (1616 1655) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Michael Praetorius (1561 1621) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Walter Fischer (*1930) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Winfried Petersen (*1928) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Horst Soenke (*1929) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Paul Ernst Ruppel (*1913) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Orlando di Lasso (1532 1594) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Rudolph Lassus ( 1625) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Friedemann Gottschick (*1928) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Johann Kugelmann ( 1542) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Jürgen Blume (*1946) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Friedrich Metzler (1910 1979) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt Johannes H.E. Koch (*1918) Includes the following individual parts: Gemischter Chor, SAMSt |