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Aria Album, Male Roles For High Voice From Handel's Operas

Format : Sheet music
Langue : Deutsch

Italian opera was at the centre of Handel's output for over 35 years with solo arias constituting one of the most important elements in Baroque opera. Dramatic roles, with their various moods and reactions, are characterised through arias. A large number of Handel's operas also contain at least one entire scene for two to three voices. These numbers make use not only of similar lyrical or expressive forms of expression such as the arias, but also employ contrapuntal elements as found in Handel's chamber music.Based on the Bärenreiter vocal scores, three volumes were published which contain some of Handel's best-known arias, duets and trios, together with less well-known numbers of equally high musical quality. The arias are arranged chronologically, reflecting the order in which the operas were composed.The three volumes:Female roles for high voice (BA 4295)Male roles for high voice (BA 4296)Duets, Trios and Ensemble Scenes (BA 4297)- Unbeatable collections of Handel's most beautiful arias and ensembles- Musical text based on the Urtext vocal scores of the 'Halle Handel Edition - Detailed foreword (Eng/Ger) by Donald Burrows on Handel's singers and on the arias in the context of the operas- Translations of the Italian aria texts (Eng/Ger) / Voix Hautes Et Piano / Partition

Instrumentation :

High voice, Piano

Publisher :


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Aria Album, Male Roles For High Voice From Handel's Operas
37.20 EUR - Ships from France

Content :
Haendel Georg Friedrich
Aria Texts / Arientexte
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Cara sposa, amante cara (Rinaldo, 'Rinaldo')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Di speranza bel raggio
Venti, turbini (Rinaldo, 'Rinaldo')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Or la tromba (Rinaldo, 'Rinaldo')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Cara sposa, amato bene (Radamisto, 'Radamisto')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Domerò la tua fierezza (Tolomeo, 'Giulio Cesare in Egitto')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Vuò dar pace (Tamerlano, 'Tamerlano')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich A dispetto (Tamerlano, 'Tamerlano')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Pompe vane di morte
Dove sei, amato bene (Bertarido, 'Rodelinda, Regina de' Longobardi')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Vivi, tiranno (Bertarido, 'Rodelinda, Regina de' Longobardi')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Alla tenda reale
Non disperi peregrino (Lotario, 'Lotario')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Oh! felice mio core!
Con l'ali di costanza (Ariodante, 'Ariodante')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich E vivo ancora
Scherza, infida (Ariodante, 'Ariodante')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Dopo notte atra e funesta (Ariodante, 'Ariodante')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Verdi prati (Ruggiero, 'Alcina')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Frondi tenere
Ombra mai fu (Serse, 'Serse')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Se bramate d'amar chi vi sdegna (Serse, 'Serse')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Sorge nell'alma mia (Tirinto, 'Imeneo')
Composer / Author: Händel, Georg Friedrich Pieno il core (Tirinto, 'Imeneo')

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