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Gluck C.w. - Iphigenie En Tauride - Version Paris 1779 - Vocal Score

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Format : Vocal Score

Gluck, Christoph Willibald Iphigénie en Tauride Tragedy in four acts Paris version of 1779 Urtext edition based on the Gluck Complete Edition Gently modernized and newly set Contains all appendices found in the score Christoph Willibald Gluck s opera in four acts about the Curse of the House of Atreus is based on a tragedy by the classical Greek dramatist Euripides. The mythological plot about the siblings Iphigenia and Orestes is characterized by hatred, ritual sacrifice, and murder and was especially popular during the 18th century. The premiere of Gluck s opera in 1779 was immensely successful. Bärenreiter now presents a carefully edited and corrected piano reduction that was newly set to meet Bärenreiter s current quality standards. An informative preface (Ger/En/Fr) supplements the edition, which also includes all appendices of the score volume the edition is based on, as contained in the Gluck Complete Edition (GGA).

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