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Duprat Arthur - Le Rythme A La Guitare

19.00 EUR - See more - Buy online

Pre-shipment lead time: On order

Format : Sheet music + CD
Langue : Français

Knowing how to read the rhythm and play it correctly is one of the basics that every guitarist must master. However, many are those who encounter difficulties in the simple rhythmic interpretation of a score, or of any written exercise, and are thus unable to get by without the aid of an audio or video example. referent. This method, which is aimed at all 6-string enthusiasts, from beginners to more technically advanced guitarists, will fill in all your gaps in this area, and will provide you with the solid and necessary foundations to finally find the sense of rhythm. If this didactic book will make you work progressively all the rhythm figures essential to the practice of the guitar, its great richness lies above all in its approach which is both practical and fully musical, and not purely academic or only theoretical. What could be better, in fact, than real guitar rhythms and solos to approach the figures and rhythms specific to the instrument. Thus, each notion is worked here in a real situation (accompaniment or solo) and to be played on various backing tracks, in order to progress rhythmically , while having musically pleasure! On the disk attached to the method, you will find a large number of audio and video files. The videos (mp4) present in images the multiple examples (accompaniment or solo), as they should be played. While, for their part, audio recordings (mp3) offer playbacks corresponding to the different rhythms or other solos studied.

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