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Cello Chords, Rhythms And Backups

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Format : Sheet music + Audio accessOnline audio access included with the book

for Fiddle Tunes. Eclectic cellist, Renata Bratt, has written the ultimate book for the fiddling cellist, this time from the perspective of an accompanist. Herein, you'll find the theoretical and technical foundation for everything you need to creatively back up the lead players in a fiddle jam session, not to mention playing the lead yourself. This progressive method includes detailed fingerings and bowings for traditional fiddle tunes like: Salt Creek, Jenny Dang the Weaver, The Water Is Wide, The Girl I left Behind Me, The Road to California, Mason's Apron, and Green Grows the Laurel - plus three jigs and a slip-jig. Accompaniment elements include single chord-tone backup, bluegrass bass style, 2 and 3-note chords and arpeggios in the common fiddling keys, one and two-measure rhythmic bowing patterns, the Charleston rhythm, the traveling beat, and many variations of the ever-popular chop bowing technique. With the knowledge and experience conveyed by this book, a cellist can become a valuable asset to any musical group no matter the style! Includes access to 100 online audio tracks expertly played by the author. / Niveau : Intermédiaire à Avancé / Date parution : 2020-04-11/ Etude / Violoncelle

Instrumentation :


Publisher :

Mel Bay

Level : See all items with the same classification and the same skill level

Content :
Scales, Intervals, Arpeggios and Chords Common Fiddle Keys: Scales, Chords and Arpeggios Chord Names Above the Tune: Salt Creek Major and Minor Chords, Root Position Chord Accompaniment, Root Position: Salt Creek Reel/Hoedown Rhythms: On-the-Beat and Syncopated Patterns Chords in Scale Sequence, Charleston Rhythm in Key of C and G Chords in Scale Sequence, Charleston Rhythm in Key of D and A Syncopated and On-the-Beat Rhythmic Patterns: Jenny Dang the Weaver Inverted Major and Minor Chords: 3rd and 5th on the Bottom Chords with Root, 3rd and 5th on the Bottom: The Water Is Wide Two-String Chord Tones: Major and Minor Two-String Chord Tones: The I IV V I in Major Fiddle Tune Keys Two-String Chord Tones in Key of G with Two-Measure Rhythmic Patterns: The Girl I Left Behind Me Two-String Chord Tones in Key of D with One-Measure Rhythmic Patterns: The Road to California Two-String Chord Tones in Key of A with Rock Beat Patterns: Mason's Apron Bowing Rhythmic Patterns in Cut Time Varied Two-Measure Rhythmic Patterns: The Road to California Chopping Introduction: The Big Beat on 3! Big Beat Chop Accompaniment: Jenny Dang the Weaver Chopping on 2 and 4: The Traveling Beat Using the Traveling Beat Chop: The Water Is Wide Chopping: Two-Measure Accompaniment Patterns Using Two-Measure Chop Patterns: The Girl I Left Behind Me Accompanying Tunes in 3 (Waltz Beat), Chords and Arpeggios: Green Grows the Laurel Accompanying Tunes in 3 (Rhythmic Beat): Smolen Polska Jig Rhythms: Long-Short and Short-Long 6/8 Patterns Jig Rhythms, Long-Short, Syncopated and Two-Measure Patterns: John Naughton's Jig Jig Rhythms with Chops Jig Chop Rhythms: Magpie Jig Syncopated and Chop Jig Patterns: Mrs McGhee Accompanying Slip Jigs: The Butterfly / Etude / 52 page(s) / Ismn: 8388607

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