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Consolations, Grand Solo Concert (Hard)

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Format : Sheet music

Suppl. 10. Par LISZT FRANZ. Of the early versions of works included in Supplementary Volume 10, particular interest is expected in the first versions of the notably popular Consolations cycle and the monumental Grand solo de concert of 1850. In the first version of Consolationsthe third movement was a style hongrois piece whose thematic material Liszt used again later in the first piece of the Hungarian Rhapsodies published in 1851. The first version of the Grand solo de concert shows that the original concept did notinclude the slow “movement” that would be placed in the middle of the work and recapitulated towards the end in the final version - a characteristically Lisztian feature that would reappear a few years later in the Sonata in B flat minor. A detailed preface in Hungarian, English and German, including new research results, numerous manuscript facsimiles and critical notes make this volume of the New Liszt Edition a specially important publication of scholarly value. Simultaneously withthe Complete Edition volume in colth-bound, its paperback for practical purposes is also published, the contents of which, except for the critical notes, is identical with the Complete Edition volume./ Répertoire / Piano

Instrumentation :

Piano solo

Publisher :

EMB (Editio Musica Budapest)

Content :
/ Répertoire / 224 page(s) / Ismn: 8388607

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