Content : Ouverture
Chor: My soul doth magnifie the Lord = Mein' Seel' lobpreist den Herrn
Aria: For he hath reguarded the lowliness = Denn er hat erschauet die Niedrigkeit
Chor: For he behold from henceforth all generations = Denn o seht
Aria: For he, that is mighty = Denn er, der Allmächtige
Chor: He has shewed strength = Er hat grosse Kraft
Duett: He hath put down the mighty = Er stiess hinab die Mächtigen
Chor: He hath filled the hungry = Er beschenkt, die hungern
Duett: He, remembring his mercy, has holpen = Er gedenkt seiner Milde
Chor: Glory be to the Father = Ehre sei dem Vater / Recueil / 94 page(s) / Ismn: 8388607 | |