14 art songs dating from 1925 to 1944 as masterly performed by Teresa Stratas on the Nonesuch record. Includes: Berlin im Licht-Song * Buddy on the Nightshift * Es regnet * Je ne t'aime pas * Klops Lied * Nanna's Lied * Youkali (Tango Habanera) * and more. 1. Bo's Boogie 2. Budgie 3. Calm Seas 4. Cool It! 5. Emerald Isle 6. Honk Your Horn! 7. Hot Potato 8. Insects 9. Lullaby 10. Minor Mission 11. One Step At A Time 12. Skateboard Ride 13. The Race 14. The Secret Garden / Partitions classique / Vocale - chorale / Choeur et ensemble vocal / HAL LEONARD