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Dancla C. - 36 Melodious And Easy Studies Op. 84 - Violon

20.60 EUR - See more - Buy online

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Charles Dancla (1817-1907) is considered to be the last great representative of the French Violin School. He knew, in a special way, how to implement the principle no music without technique, no technique without music in his teaching material. This is the case in his easy melodic studies. These studies are perfectly suited for young beginners after the second year, but also for adult players, refreshers or outsiders. Most of them can be effectively used as little performance pieces, providing an excellent foundation for every advanced étude or concert piece. Each study is preceded by new or revised exercises which either deal with specific problems relating to the playing technique or present the tonal material of the respective study in a condensed, playful form. Those who prefer Dancla's somewhat easier original preliminary exercises will find them in the appendix.

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