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Magna et Mirabilia

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S(S)ATB choir, organ - Medium

SKU: PL.9504

Composed by Bruce Neswick. Cathedral. Choral, Easter, Epiphany, General. Octavo. Paraclete Press #9504. Published by Paraclete Press (PL.9504).

O Ruler of the universe, Lord God... The majesty of these words is reflected in the fanfare-like opening of the organ followed by the unison entrance of voices that divide on 'universe'. Moving through several key changes the voices of the choir and of the organ reflect at times the oneness and at other points the differences among nations. The use of sixteenths in the organ accompaniment provides a toccata-like framework for the upper voices praising God. At other points, the organ, through the string stops, softly and gently cradles the chant-like voices foretelling the future day when all nations will fall down and worship the Lord. This anthem would be very suitable for Easter, Epiphany or a general fanfare type anthem.

Publisher :

Paraclete Press

Seller information:Sheetmusicplus
Place :USA
Shipping :World wide shipping
Shipping cost :For USA : $2.99 (no matter how much items your buy)
For other countries : $2.99 minimum cost

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