Song List:
Ash Wednesday And Lent
Lent Prose
Civitas sancti tui (Bow thine ear, O Lord)
Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy's Sake
The Litany (BCP)
The Litany
Peccantem Me Quotidie
Agnus Dei
Like As The Hart
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
Wash Me Throughly
Christus factus est
The Lamentation
Jesu, grant me this I pray
God So Loved The World
Ecce quomodo moritur justus
Adoramus te, Christe
The Feast of Palms
Hosianna dem Sohne Davids
Hosanna To The Son Of David
Ride On
Ingrediente Domino
Pueri Hebraeorum
Maundy Thursday
In the heart where love is abiding
(a) Pange lingua (b) Of the glorious Body telling
Tantum ergo
Ave Verum Corpus
A New Commandment
Sing, My Tongue
Good Friday
In the departure of the Lord
Were You There?
O vos omnes
O mortal man
Crux Fidelis
Eheu, sustulerunt
The Reproaches
Popule meus
Easter Alleluias (A) Antiphon With Psalm Tone (B) Plainchant:
Alleluia. Christus surrexit
Psalm 114
Joy is come!
Light Of The World
Most glorious Lord of life
This Joyful Eastertide
Now the Green Blade Riseth
Christ the Lord Is Risen Again!
Surrexit Christus hodie
Easter Anthems
I saw water (Vidi aquam)
The Easter Song of Praise
Ye Choirs Of New Jerusalem
O Sons and Daughters
He Is Risen