Song List:
Album Leaf
Bathing in the Sea from Sports and Divertissements
Capricho Catalan from España [Op. 165, No. 5]
Gigue from Ten Little Performance Pieces [Op. 44, No. 9]
Honey (Humoresque) from in the Bottoms
Hungarian Song from for Children, Part 1 [No. 32]
Jumping Jack [Op. 11, No. 4]
Le Petit Nègre
Le Soir (The Evening) [Op. 43, No. 5]
Los Tres Golpes Danza Cubana
Prelude No. 2 from Three Preludes
Round Dance from for Children, Part 1 [No. 17]
The Bear
The Returning Hunter from Eskimos [Op. 64, No. 2]
The Vast Expanse of Space
Vals Brillante from Valses Poético [No. 5]
Vals Sentimental from Valses Poético [No. 6]
Valsette from Penseés Lyriques [Op. 40, No. 1]