Song List:
Behold the Lamb (Handel)
And with His stripes (Handel)
All we like sheep (Handel)
He trusted in God (Handel)
Lift up your heads (Handel)
Let all the angels (Handel)
The Lord gave the word (Handel)
Their sound is gone (Handel)
Let us break their bonds (Handel)
But thanks be to God (Handel)
Worthy is the Lamb (Handel-Messiah)
Since By Man Came Death (Handel)
And He Shall Purify (Handel)
Surely He Hath Borne Our (Handel
And The Glory Of The Lord (Handel)
O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings (Handel)
Hallelujah Chorus
Glory To God
For Unto Us A Child Is Born