Song List:
Tuning In
Echo Phrases
Rhythmic Subdivision of Bass Notes
Alternating Inner Voices
Changing Meter
Filling-in Ascending and Descending Intervals
Changing Textures
Pedal Points & Bourdons
Antiphonal Phrases
Parallel Alto Intervals: Diatonic 6ths (3rds and 10ths)
Parallel Alto Intervals: Diatonic 4ths
Parallel Treble Triads
Mini Toccatas
CODA Versets
Appendix A: Abbreviations and Symbols Used to Identify Techniques
Appendix B: Hymntunes Suggested in the Try This Sections
Appendix C: Hymntunes Used ti Demonstrate the Techniques
Appendix D: Techniques Listed with Their Potential Uses
Appendix E: Some Newer 20th-Century Hymntunes with Suitable Technques Indicated
Appendix F: Examples Demonstrated on the Accompanying CD
Reference Symbols for Use in Your "Organist's Hymnal"