Song List:
Abide with Me
Air (Water Music)
Amazing Grace
Ave Maria
Break Thou The Bread Of Life
Choral Prelude
Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Etude In A
Festal March
From the depths of my heart
Gloria Patri
His Arms Are Open To Everyone
Hold Thou My Hand
i need Thee Every hour
If God So Clothe The Grass
In my dear God
Intermezzo (Cavelleria Rusticana)
Just As I Am
Largo (Symphony No.9 In E Minor 'From The New World' Op.95)
Lord Bless You And Keep You
Marche Romaine
Meditation (Thais)
No Night There
O Holy Night
O Rest In The Lord (Elijah)
Ode to Joy
Oh! Blest The House, Whate'er Befall
One Sweetly Solemn Thought
Only In Thee Lord Jesus Christ
Open the Gates of the Temple
Our Wedding Prayer
Prelude and Fughetta
Prelude and Fugue
Softly And Tenderly
Softly Now The Light Of Day
Star Of The East
The Holy City
The Lord's My Shepherd
Trumpet Voluntary
Trumpet Voluntary In D Major