ISBN 9780825837289. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Bb major.
Carolyn Bremer's brilliant showpiece for orchestra has already been a hit in this version for concert band by the composer. Based on our national anthem, which gives the piece its title as well as much of its musical content, Early Light is also tribute to baseball, the "national pastime." This exciting showpiece has just been added to the Texas UIL Prescribed Music List for festival/contest use. Duration: 5'30".
Early Light was written for the Oklahoma City Philharmonic and received its premiere performance in July, 1995. The material is largely derived from "The Star Spangled Banner." One need not attribute an excess of patriotic fervor in the composer as a source for this optimistic homage to our national anthem. Carolyn Brenner, a passionate baseball fan since childhood, drew upon her feelings of happy anticipation at hearing the anthem played before ball games when writing her piece. The slapstick heard near the end echoes the crack of the bat on a long home run. |