Song List:
Verzicht, o Herz, auf Rettung, Op. 65 no. 1 (Think not, o heart, of rescue) - a-Moll/A minor
Finstere Schatten der Nacht, Op. 65 no. 2 (Threatening shadows of night) - a-Moll/A minor
An jeder Hand die Finger, Op. 65 no. 3 (On either hand, my fingers) - A-Dur/A major
Ihr schwarzen Augen, Op. 65 no. 4 (O you with black eyes) - d-Moll/D minor
Wahre, wahre deinen Sohn, Op. 65 no. 5 (Guard, I warn you, guard your son) - d-Moll/D minor
Rosen steckt mir an die Mutter, Op. 65 no. 6 (Roses my mother pinned upon me) - F-Dur/F major
Vom Gebirge Well auf Well, Op. 65 no. 7 (From the mountains, wave on wave) - C-Dur/C major
Weiche Graser im Revier, Op. 65 no. 8 (Tender, secret meadows) - Es-Dur/Eb major
Nagen am Herzen, Op. 65 no. 9 (Gnawing feelings in the heart) - g-Moll/G minor
Ich kose suss, Op. 65 no. 10 (With one, and yet) - G-Dur/G major
Alles, alles in den Wind, Op. 65 no. 11 (Ev'rything is like the wind) - G-Dur/G major
Schwarzer Wald, dein Schatten ist so duster, Op. 65 no. 12 (Forest dark, your shadows are so gloomy) - g-Moll/G minor
Nein, Geliebter, setze dich, Op. 65 no. 13 (No, beloved, do not sit) - E-Dur/E major
Flammenauge, dunkles Haar, Op. 65 no. 14 (Flaming eyes and raven hair) - a-Moll/A minor
Zum Schluss, Op. 65 (Anh.) (Now, our Muses enough) - F-Dur/F major