Song List:
Track Meet
Captain Hook's Rockin' Party
Chord Etude No. 1
Chord Etude No. 2
D Scale Journey
Dancin' to the CD
Deck the Halls with Lots of C Scales
Etude in C
Gusts of Wind
I Thought I Heard the Entertainer!
L.H. Round-up
Long, Long Ago (Theme and Variation)
Mystery Waltz
Paris Taxi Ride (Running for the Taxi; Past a French Bakery; Around the Art Museum; To the Eiffel To
Pedal Pizzazz
Pirate Ship Story (The Captain's Footsteps; Stowaway in a Barrel; Counting the Jewels; Storm at Sea)
R.H Round-up
Rise and Shine Chords
Running with Scales!
Sixths Are Everywhere!
Slow as Molasses Blues
Smooth Sailing
Tennis Match!
The King's Royal Exit
The Potato Chip Thief
Thumb Extension Studies
Tiger by the Tail!
Tightrope Walk
Touchdown Tune
Up-Down Pedal Magic
from an Airplane
Walter Slide 2
Water Slide 1
Winner's Waltz
Zebras Running