ISBN M230650144. This edition was published on the occasion of th tenth anniversary of the Societe francaise de Luth. Facsimile of a copy in the Bibliotheque Mazarine of Paris. Presentation by Pascale BOCQUET - and Francois-Pierre GOY in French, English, German: chronological table, biography, bibliography, the work of R. Ballard and its circulation, more...sources, concordances, commentaries, technical introduction.
Size 24 x 33.
Song List:
Presentation de Francois-Pierre Goy : vie de Robert Ballard, l'oeuvre de Robert Ballard et sa diffusion, sources, concordances et commentaires - Presentation de Pascale Bocquet : le luth de Robert Ballard, la tablature, ornementation et interpretation - Entrees de luth (premiere, seconde, troisieme, quatrieme, cinquieme,sixieme, septieme, huitieme, neuvieme) - Ballet de M. le Dauphin (premier chant, second, troisieme - Ballet de la Reine (premier chant, second, troisieme, courante) - Entree de luths (premier chant, second, troisieme) - Ballet des esclaves ( premier chant, second, troisieme) - Ballet (premier chant, second, troisieme) - Ballet des insencez (premier chant, second, troisieme) - Ballet (premier chant, second, troisieme) - Ballet - Ballet des Dieux - Ballet - Ballet - Ballet des Manans - Ballet (premier chant, second) - Ballet (premier chant, second - Ballet (premier chant, second) - Ballet (premier chant, second, troisieme) - Courante de la Reyne (premiere courante, seconde, troisieme, quatrieme, cinquieme, Sixieme, septieme, huitieme, neuvieme, dixiesme, unsieme, dousiesme) - Les Angeliques ( premiere, seconde, troisiesme, quatriesme, cinquiesme, sixiesme, septiesme, huitiesme, neuviesme, dixiesme, courante, courante) - Voltes ( premiere volte, seconde, troisiesme, quatriesme, cinquiesme, sixiesme).