Song List:
Introduction to Rock Playing
Chapter 1: Playing Chords
Triads, Conctruction, Inversion
C Major
G Major
Chords in Other Major Keys
D Major
A Major
F Major
B flat major
Minor Keys
4-Note Chords
Chord Colourings
Chapter 2: Rhythm
Preliminary Remarks
Basic Rhythms
Chords for the Left Hand
Rhythms for the Right Hand
Broken Chords
Rock Ballad
Jazz Rock Rhythms
Chapter 3: Melody and Improvisation
Major 6 Scale
Other Major 6 Scales
Blues Scale
Other Blues Scales
Minor Scale (Dorian)
Improvisation on 4-Note Chords
Changing Scales
Designation of Stepwise Chords in Major Keys
Summary of Chord Symbols
Pentatonic Scales