Song List:
--Optional parts are in parentheses. Solo parts are lower case--
All hail to the days - SATB
Angels we have heard on high - SSAAT(T)B
Arise and hail the sacred day - SATB
As I lay upon a night - SATB
Away in a manger - SATB
Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella - SATB
Christ the King is born - SSATB(B)
Christmas is coming - (tb) SSATB
Dame, get up and bake your pies - SSATB
Dans la nuit et sous la neige - SATB
En nombre del cielo - SSATB
God rest you merry, gentlemen - SATB
Good King Wenceslas - sb SATB
Hark! the herald angels sing - SS(AT)B
Here we come a-wassailing - (st) SSA(A)TB
I saw three ships - SSATB
I sing of a maiden - (t) SATB
I wonder as I wander - (s) SATB
Il est ne, le divin enfant - (S)SATB
Little star of Bethlehem - SSATB
Lully, lulla - SATB
Masters in this hall - (ab) SSATB
Noel nouvelet - S(S)ATB
Nova, nova - t (SA)TB
Nowell sing we at - (S)ATB
O Bethlehem - SSATB
O Jesulein suss - SATB
O mortal man - SATB
Out of your sleep - a SATB
Past three o'clock - SATB
People, look east - SATB
Rockabye Jesus - SSATB
Stille Nacht - (sst) SSATB
Wassail, wassail - (ssatb) SATB
Welcome Yule - SSATB
Whence is that goodly fragrance - SSATB
Yesterday I saw from far away - tbb SAT(B)B