ISBN 9783795754921. 9x12 inches. Edited by Monika Twelsiek Schott Piano Classics Series.
The piano teacher Monika Twelsiek from Cologne presents a new volume in the Schott Piano Classics series: After 'Impressionism', she now deals with the difficult subject of 'Emotions'. The author has looked into the question of how to present 'emotions' in music and has found it in a comprehensive collection of 35 music titles ranging from the 'depression' of a 'Burlesca' by Telemann to 'sorrow' in Chopin's famous march, from the 'funny' in Schubert's landler to the 'melancholy' in more recent titles such as Copland's 'Sentimental Melody' or William Gillock's 'Blue Mood' and other emotions. The known is juxtaposed with the unknown, and geographically, the journey leads through Europe, to North and South America. A unique collection with 'very emotional' music.