This pack includes the sheet music for the famous 14 characteristic studies from ARBAN Method, transposed in convenient tones for trombone, together with 2 accompaniment CDs. Those caracteristic studies have been revised, updated and dramatically modernised by Claude Egea. This completely revised version allows making few pauses and breathings to work rigorously but with fun (yes, this is possible)! The 2 accompaniment CDs embed very modern playbacks at various tempos, to work progressively. Listen to it and enjoy! Claude Egea : "I often go back to work on the Characteristic Studies from the Arban's Method. Indeed, even after many years of instrument practice and teaching, the educational power and the delicacy of these studies continues to strike me and continues to help me. I then work again and again on them, as a top level athlete must continuously work on his basics or a chef must start again and again to cook a basis for a sauce, and never forget that one must master the fundamentals to reach the excellence. But it's true that playing alone becomes soon off-puttingI therefore wanted to make these studies more reachable and with more fun in order to make the young students excited about it. I reworked the phrasing, added a contrasted and fashionable rhythm section for all pieces with some pauses and respirations. Shall the result make you improve the way you master your instrument with rigor and fun! " Claude EGEA, Trompet player and Teacher, won the first prize at Toulouse Conservatoire, then played at Toulouse symphonic orchestra, Orchestre National du Capitole, from 1982 to 1991. He is the Solo Trumpet player in Michel Legrand orchestra, member of Martial Solal's Newdecaband and of Captain Mercier band. He performed in concerts with Quincy Jones, Ray Charles, Salvador, Cabrel, Sanseverino to name a few.