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Progressive Trios for Strings

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(26 Trios That Can Be Played by Any Combination of String Instruments). By Doris Gazda. Arranged by Doris Gazda. For Cello. Book. 48 pages. Published by Carl Fischer

Publisher :

Carl Fischer

ISBN 9780825883033. 9 x 12 inches. Chamber music is an essential part of learning to play an instrument. These versatile trios are written so that they can be performed by any combination of three string instruments. These arrangements and compositions by prominent string pedagogue Doris Gazda will sound full and satisfying with only three players all the way up to a full string orchestra. The selection of music in this collection covers a wide variety of musical styles that will provide hours of enjoyment and performance options. There is even an arrangement of the aBridal Chorusa from the opera Lohengrin, should you have the opportunity to play at a wedding! The trios are progressively organized by level of difficulty as the performers advance in their skills. A welcome addition to the repertoire for all string players. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, music lovers gathered in their homes in the evenings to make music. The music they played was typically called achamber music.a Sometimes they formed a small orchestra but among the favorite styles of music they played were the atrio sonatas.a Trio sonatas were written for two solo melodic instruments such as two violins or two wind instruments and a basso continuo. The basso continuo provided both the bass line of the piece and the indication of the chord structure for each of the bass line notes. Usually the bass line was played by a cello or a bass viol. The chords were played by a harpsichord, lute, organ or harp. Because our ainner eara tends to fill in the implied harmonies that would be realized (performed) by these instruments, it was possible to play the trio sonatas with just two melodic instruments and the instrument playing the bass line notes. In the eighteenth century the classical symphony as a genre became very popular. The third movement of the symphony was usually a aminuet and trio.a The minuet was played by the entire orchestra followed immediately by the atrio sectiona which was played by two violins and a cello. Over the years this structure evolved into the form of music that is composed or arranged for three instruments. Many composers have written music for three instruments. Sometimes these compositions are a mixture of string, wind and keyboard instruments. To learn more about the literature for instrumental trios, on your computer, you can look up atrioa plus the name of a acomposera and you will find many great compositions. Recordings of these trios would be wonderful additions to your iPod. This collection of Progressive Trios for Strings brings together new arrangements of favorite pieces from the classical repertoire along with one newly composed piece. The Progressive Trios are published for violin, viola, cello and bass and are arranged so that they can be performed by any combination of three of these instruments. The placement of pieces in the books is determined by order of difficulty. It was a pleasure to compile and arrange this collection. I hope that it will provide you with literature that will be enjoyable to work on and perform with your friends and that it will add a new dimension to your musical repertoire.

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