9x12 inches. English.
This collection of studies for the trumpet has been selected from various books, often long since out of circulation. The selection covers all aspects of trumpet playing and should be beneficial to the developing player. This collection of 50 classical studies for the trumpet has been carefully chosen from various sources, often bokos which were long since out of circulation. The varied selection covers all aspects of trumpet playing and is beneficial to the developing player.
ABRSM Tenor Horn Examinations Grades 7 and 8.
Een verzameling van etudes voor trompet, bestaande uit oude bekende en nieuw bewerkte stukken. Deze selectie behandelt alle aspecten van het trompetspel en is beslist een verrijking van het repertoire.
Eine Sammlung von Etuden fur Trompete, die teils aus langst vergriffenen Werken stammen, teils eigens fur dieses Instrument bearbeitet wurden. Die Auswahl deckt samtliche Aspekte des Trompetenspiels ab und ist eine Bereicherung fur Spieler verschiedener Schwierigkeitsgrade.
50 Classical Studies rassemble differentes etudes abordant tous les aspects et difficultes lies a l'apprentissage de la trompette.
50 Classical Studies racchiude studi pensati per affrontare tutti gli aspetti e le difficolta legate all'apprendimento della tromba.
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