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Easy Klezmer Tunes

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Format : Sheet music + Audio accessOnline audio access included with the book

Composed by Stacy Phillips. For various instruments. Squareback saddle stitch. Beginning-Intermediate. Book and online audio. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc

Publisher :

Mel Bay

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Item Number: MB.98980M

ISBN 9780786692088. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.

In response to many requests for a simplified version of his highly acclaimed "Klezmer Collection", Stacy Phillips has compiled a selection of pieces for beginning instrumentalists from that classic book. Klezmer music originally came from the Jewish ghettoes of Eastern Europe of the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The style reflects its mix of heritages from Europe, Near East and Gypsy. These arrangements are based on some of the earliest classic recordings in Europe and America. As such, they are a great introduction to this music which is now a world-wide phenomenon. Each number is arranged for C, Bb, Eb and bass clef instruments. Brass, reed, piano, flute, and string players can receive instant gratification from these entry level arrangements. The accompanying audio demonstrates ensemble versions of all the music, performed at slow tempos, by world class Klezmer artists on clarinet, violin, guitar and bass. Includes access to online audio.

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