Song List:
The Elements Of Music-Lead Sheet Form
Ideas For Playing Melodies
The waltz
Baic 4/4 Metre Patterns
4/4 Metre March
Country And Western 4/4 Metre
Country And Western 3/4 Metre
Baic 6/8 Matre Accompaniment Rhythm Patterns
Swing And Rhythm And Blues
The Jazz Waltz
Jazz 5/4 Metre
Rhythm And Blues
The Triplet Ballad
Boogie Woogie
The Gospel Waltz
Rock And Roll Accompaniment Rhythm Patterns
Basic Rock: Rock Ballads
1950'S Rock
The Boogaloo Rock Or Rock Boggie Rhythm Pattern
Swee Pea Rock
The Fatback Or Sould Rock Rhythm Patterns
Disco Rock Accompaniment Rhythm Patterns: The Hustle/The Bump
Latin Music
The Bossa Nova
The Samba
The Tango-The Spanish Tango
The Aregentina Tango
The Cha Cha-The American Cha Cha
The Authentic Or Latin Cha Cha
The Beguine
The Rhumba
The Paso Doble-The Amrican Paso Doble
The American Bolero
Playing Situations
Transition Chord And Transition Notes: Target Chords And Target Notes
More Than One Chord In A Measure
The Creative Process In Music: Where New Ideas Come From