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Celtic Psalms - Volume 2

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Musical Resource for Meditation and Worship. Arranged by Kiran Young Wimberly. Sacred. With guitar chord names. 56 pages. GIA Publications #9354. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-9354).

Instrumentation :

Piano, Vocal and Guitar

Publisher :

GIA Publications

English. Text Source: Psalms 23, 30, 61, 84, 86, 107, 130--131, 139, 144, 147, adapt. KYW. Scripture: Psalm 23, Psalm 30, Psalm 61, Psalm 84, Psalm 86, Psalm 107, Psalm 130, Psalm 131, Psalm 139, Psalm 144, Psalm 147. Celtic Psalms, volumes 1 and 2, promises to be a long-standing resource for meditation and worship. By pairing the wisdom of the psalms with timeless melodies, delicate harmonies, and instrumentation, these arrangements bring to mind the Celtic landscapes of Ireland and Scotland with sincerity, integrity, and tenderness. Set in a traditional/folk style that easily lends them to inspiring and meaningful worship, these psalms offer a much needed healing balm for today's world. Kiran Young Wimberly is an American Presbyterian minister who lived in Belfast, Northern Ireland, for over six years. While serving in congregational and ecumenical ministry in Northern Ireland, Kiran pursued her keen interest in Irish and Scottish traditional song and its connection to spiritual life. Contains: The Lord's My Shepherd, Psalm 23 (The Parting Glass) andbull, You Have Turned My Sorrow, Psalm 30 (Green Grows the Laurel) andbull, Hear My Cry, O God, Psalm 61 (Caislean an Oir) andbull, How Lovely, Psalm 84 (Carrickfergus) andbull, Love Is Lord of All, Psalm 86 (My Lagan Love) andbull, O Give Thanks, Psalm 107 (The Meeting of the Waters) andbull, From the Depths, Psalms 130, 131 (The Quiet Land of Erin) andbull, You Have Searched Me, Psalm 139 (The Banks of Claudy) andbull, Come, Spirit, Come, Psalm 144 (The King',s Shilling) andbull, Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, Psalm 147 (Mo Ghile Mear). The C instrument and cello parts are optional.

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