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I Just Can't Stop Loving You

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Format : Score and Parts

Composed by Michael Jackson. Arranged by Miho Hazama. Pop and Rock. Set (Score and Parts). Composed 2012. De Haske Publications #DHP 1125271- 010. Published by De Haske Publications

Composer/Artist : Michael Jackson

Instrumentation :

Concert band

Publisher :

De Haske Publications

Level : See all items with the same classification and the same skill level

This number topped the U.S. chart as the lead release single from Bad. Siedah Garrett, who sang the duet, was a protege of Quincy Jones with whom Michael tag-teamed for three solos on Off the Wall. (Garrett is also renowned as one of the writers of the song Man in the Mirror, the fourth single which carries a strong message.) Japanese fans still remember this song being performed as an encore during the Bad World Tour in 1987. The straightforward, sweet love song starts out quietly and gradually takes on heat, unfolding a wonderful musical sentiment. The performance of the arranged version also strikes the audience with an imposing world of sound comparableto that of a full orchestra. I Just Can't Stop Loving You was de eerste single van het album Bad. Michael Jackson nam dit romantisch duet, samen met zangeres en songwriter Siedah Garret, op. Dit gevoelige nummer werd wereldwijd bekend door Michael'sBad World Tour in 1987. Miho Hazama maakte er een arrangement van met een prachtig volle klank. I Just Can't Stop Loving You war die erste Single aus dem Album Bad, wo das romantische Duett zusammen mit der Sangerin und Songwriterin Siedah Garret aufgenommen wurde. Weltweit ist der gefuhlvolle Song vor allem von der Bad World Tour im Jahr 1987 bekannt geworden. Dieses Arrangement besticht vor allem durch seinen vollen Orchesterklang. I Just Can't Stop Loving You, premier single extrait de l'album, est un duo romantique que Michael Jackson interpreta avec Siedah Garrett. La chanson connut un reel succes dans le monde entier, et fut programmee lors des differentes tournees Bad World Tour et Dangerous World Tour. Cet emouvant arrangement impressionne de par son orchestration complete, tout en respectant la version originale. I Just Can't Stop Loving You, il primo single dell'album Bad, include il romantico duo con la cantante e autrice Siedah Garret. Il brano e diventato famoso grazie al Bad World Tour del 1987. Questo raffinato arrangiamento si contraddistingue per le sonorita.

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Michael Jackson sheet music

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