| Flowers $2.30 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 24 hours - In StockBy Miley Cyrus. By Gregory
Hein, Michael Pollack, and
Miley Cyrus. Arranged by Mark
A. Brymer. Pop Choral Series.
Funk, Love, Pop, Show Choir.
Octavo. 12 pages. Duration 195
seconds. Published by Hal
Leonard6.75x10.5x0.029 inches.
Queen of the charts once again
after ?Wrecking Ball? in 2013,
Miley Cyrus and ?Flowers? have
charged into the pop culture
spotlight with no apologies.
Featuring a funky and laid-
back vibe, the lyrics are
factual and affirming rather
than scathing. A good-natured
oasis for #1 hit choral
arrangements. Videos :Composer/Artist : Miley Cyrus - Hannah Montana Instrumentation : Sub-instrumentation : Publisher : Hal Leonard |