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Violinschule - Violin Tutor -Méthode de Violon IVb

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Violin - intermediate


Composed by Endre Szervansky, Endre Szervánszky, Frigyes Sandor, Jardanyi, and Sandor. Method. Book Only. Composed 1977. 64 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #EMBZ8068. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (BT.EMBZ8068).


Frigyes Sándor (1905-1979), violinist, teacher and conductor. His six-volume Violin tutor was published between 1949 and 1959, and has remained popular ever since. One reason for its popularity - in addition to its methodological concept may be the fact that from the very beginning learners are given high quality musical material on which to master the basic elements of violin playing. The musical material in the volumes was written specifically for this tutor by Pál Járdányi and Endre Szervánszky apart from pieces designed for pedagogical purposes it includes a wealth of folk tunes (Hungarian and other European folk melodies) graded to suit each level of difficulty, andexcerpts representing different periods in the history of music.

Die Beliebtheit der von Frigyes Sándor (1905-1979), Violinist, Lehrer und Dirigent zwischen 1949 und 1959 veröffentlichten Violinschule in sechs Bänden ist ungebrochen. Das bewährte methodische Konzept und das von Anfang an hochwertige musikalische Übungsmaterial (von Pál Járdányi und Endre Szervánszky) überzeugen noch heute. Neben den reinen Übungsstücken enthalten die Bände eine Fülle an volkstümlichen Melodien aus ganz Europa und Stücke aus verschiedenen Epochen, jeweils dem Schwierigkeitsgrad angepasst.

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EMB (Editio Musica Budapest)

Level : See all items with the same classification and the same skill level

Seller information:Sheetmusicplus
Place :USA
Shipping :World wide shipping
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