String Orchestra SKU: BT.EMBZ14451
Composed by László Zempléni. EMB Leggierissimo. Educational Tool. Book Only. Composed 2006. 64 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #EMBZ14451. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (BT.EMBZ14451). Hungarian-English-German-French.
The stopping-places in this Musical journey are various countries of Europe, Albania, Bulgaria, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine ? each is represented in this volume by a very easy, short arrangement of a folksong or children?s song. In the string orchestra violas are replaced by 3rd violins, among the parts included with the score there is an ad libitum part for double bass. Every piece is playable in the first position by all sections of the orchestra.
The stopping-places in this Musical Journey are various countries of Europe such as Albania, Bulgaria, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Each is represented in this volume bya very easy, short arrangement of a folksong or children's song. In the string orchestra violas are replaced by 3rd violins, among the parts included with the score there is an ad libitum part for double bass. Every piece is playablein the first position by all sections of the orchestra.Instrumentation: 3 vl1, 3 vl2, 3 vl3, 2 vlc, cbSeries Leggierissmo - growing repertoire for children's and youth string orchestras.
Die Leggerierissmo-Reihe von Editio Musica Budapest umfasst Stücke, mit und an welchen Kinderstreichorchester wachsen können. Jede Ausgabe ist in der ersten Lage spielbar und enthält Partitur und Stimmen (Violine 3 entspricht Viola).Die Stationen dieser Musikalischen Reise sind Albanien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Polen, Ungarn, Deutschland, Italien, Russland, Spanien, die Schweiz und die Ukraine. Jedes Land wird von einem kurzen leichten Arrangement oder Volkslied repräsentiert. Enthaltene Stimen: 3x Violine 1, 3x Violine 2, 3x Violine 3, Kontrabass.
La collection Leggiero & Leggierissmo proposĂ©e par Editio Musica Budapest est une Ă©dition enrichie de pièces pour Orchestre Cordes Junior, dans un arrangement de degrĂ© de difficultĂ© facile. Elle comprend des œuvres de compositeurs classiques et contemporains ainsi que des transcriptions de pièces faciles. La possibilitĂ© de substituer la partie d'alto par un 3e violon facilite l'interprĂ©tation des morceaux. Ces arrangements, qui favorisent l'acquisition d'une expĂ©rience musicale complète, sont l'œuvre des meilleurs pĂ©dagogues et compositeurs. Les annotations figurent en langue française. Voici un impressionnant Voyage Musical en 12 escales : Bulgarie •Albanie • Italie • Suisse • Espagne • Écosse • Danemark • Allemagne • Pologne • Russie • Ukraine • Hongrie.Instrumentation: 3 vl1, 3 vl2, 3 vl3, 2 vlc, cb.