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Grand solo de concert (earl. vers.) and Other Works (Suppl. B 10). By Adrienne Kaczmarczyk_Ágnes Sas. By Franz Liszt. EMB Liszt Works. Book Only. Composed 2014. 208 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #EMBZ14505. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (BT.EMBZ14505).


Of the early versions of works included in this volume the first versions of the notably popular Consolations cycle and Grand solo de concert (published in 1850) are of particular interest. In the first version of Consolations the third movement was a style hongrois piece whose thematic material was later used by Liszt in his Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 (published in 1851). The first version of Grand solo de concert shows that the work did not originally include a slow middle section to be recapitulated towards the end as seen in the final version. This is a characteristically Lisztian feature that would reappear a few years later in his Sonata in B minor. A detailed preface inHungarian, English, and German, including new research results, numerous manuscript facsimiles, and critical notes, makes this volume of the New Liszt Edition an important publication of immense scholarly value. Along with the cloth-bound Complete Edition, a paperback version for practical use has also been published. This edition's contents are identical to those of the hardcover edition with the exception that the critical notes are not included.

Of the early versions of works included in Supplementary Volume 10, particular interest is expected in the first versions of the notably popular Consolations cycle and the monumental Grand solo de concert of 1850. In the first version of Consolationsthe third movement was a style hongrois piece whose thematic material Liszt used again later in the first piece of the Hungarian Rhapsodies published in 1851. The first version of the Grand solo de concert shows that the original concept did notinclude the slow “movement” that would be placed in the middle of the work and recapitulated towards the end in the final version - a characteristically Lisztian feature that would reappear a few years later in the Sonata in B flat minor.A detailed preface in Hungarian, English and German, including new research result and, numerous manuscript facsimiles make the practical paperback version of this volume of the New Liszt Edition a specially important publication of scholarly value.

Von den im vorliegenden Band veröffentlichten Werkversionen dürften der außerordentlich populäre Consolations-Zyklus sowie die Erstfassung des 1850 entstandenen Grand solo de concert (Großes Konzertsolo) auf besonderes Interesse stoßen. In der ersten Fassung der Consolations stand an dritter Stelle noch ein Stück im ungarischen Stil, dessen Thematik Liszt später im 1851 herausgegebenen 1. Stück der Ungarischen Rhapsodien verwendete. Die erste Version des Großen Konzertsolos belegt, dass der in der Mitte der Komposition angelegte und kurz vor Ende rekapitulierte langsame Teil, welcher zum typisch Lisztschen Element der endgültigen Fassung des Konzertsolos - und einige Jahre späterauch der H-Moll-Sonate - wird, noch kein Bestandteil der ursprünglichen Konzeption war.

Instrumentation :

Piano solo

Publisher :

EMB (Editio Musica Budapest)

Song List: La Romanesca. Mlodie du 16e siecle, R 91, SW 252a, NG2 A14: 1st version SH 252i Canzone napolitana. Notturno R92, SW 248, NG2 A85: 1st version SH 248i Consolations R12, SW 172: 1st version SH171a, NG2 A111a - No. 1 Consolations R12, SW 172: 1st version SH171a, NG2 A111a - No. 2 Consolations R12, SW 172: 1st version SH171a, NG2 A111a - No. 3 (D'apres une mlodie hongroise) Consolations R12, SW 172: 1st version SH171a, NG2 A111a - No. 4 (D'apres un L. D. S. A. I. M. P........) Consolations R12, SW 172: 1st version SH171a, NG2 A111a - No. 5 Consolations R12, SW 172: 1st version SH171a, NG2 A111a - No. 6 Grand solo de concert / Grosses Konzertsolo R18, SW 176, NG2 A167: 1st version SH175a Wilde Jagd - Scherzo R 20, SW 177, NG2 A174: 1st version SH 176a Huldigungsmarsch R49, SW 228, NG2 A182: 1st version SH 228i Berceuse R 57a, SW 174, NG2 A186: 1st version SH 174i Magnificat R 68/1, SW 183/1, NG2 A216: 1st version SH 182a Ave Maria R 193a, SW504, NG2 A247: 1st version SH 504i Ave Maria aus den Kirchenchorgesngen R 193a, SW 504, NG2 A247: 1st version SH 504i Appendix - Madrigal R-, SW/SH-, NG2- Appendix - Consolations R12, SW 172: 1st version SH 171a, NG2 A111a - No. 6 Album leaf Appendix - Consolations R 12, SW/SH 172, NG2 A111b - No. 1 Album leaf Appendix - Consolations R 12, SW/SH 172, NG2 A111b - No. 3 Sketch

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