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Sir Eu Sc/pts

$221.00 - See more - Buy online

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Format : Score

Concert Band/Harmonie and Baritone/Euphonium (Score & Parts) - Grade 5

SKU: HL.44011353

Composed by Thomas Doss. Mitropa Music Concert Band. Solo & Concerto. Score Only. Composed 2007. Hal Leonard #149107M. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.44011353).

UPC: 884088892418. 9x12 inches. English(US)/Deutsch/Francais/Nederlands.

Sir Eu was commissioned by the regional music authority of Upper Austria and the brass band SoundINNBrass. The composition was meant to be very virtuoso and was written for the euphonium player Steven Mead, who premiered it and has played it regularly worldwide. The title Sir Eu alludes to the master of the euphonium himself, and also to the concept of Europe. From jazz through romanticism to folkloristic elements - this work offers everything that the musical heart could wish for!

Sir Eu is geschreven in opdracht van de deelstaat Opper-Oostenrijk en de brassband SoundINNBrass. De compositie moest heel virtuoos zijn - toegesneden op de talenten van euphoniumspeler Steven Mead, die de premiere voor zijnrekening nam en het werk overal ter wereld heeft gespeeld. De titel verwijst naar deze meester op het euphonium, maar ook naar het Europese beginsel. Van jazz en romantiek tot folkloristische elementen biedt dit werk alles wat hetmuzikale hart begeert.

Sir Eu wurde von der oberosterreichischen Landemusikdirektion und der Brass Band SoundInn-Brass in Auftrag gegeben. Das Stuck sollte ausserst virtuos und massgeschneidert fur den Euphoniumspieler Steven Mead sein, der es urauffuhrte und bis heute weltweit regelmassig spielt. Der Titel Sir Eu ist eine Anspielung auf den Meister des Euphoniums und zugleich an den europaischen Gedanken. Von Jazz uber Romantik bis hin zu Folklore-Elementen ist in diesem Stuck alles zu finden, was das musikalische Herz begehrt.

Sir Eu est une œuvre de commande conjointe du Comite Regional pour la Musique de Haute-Autriche et du Brass Band SoundINNBrass. Cette composition, taillee sur mesure pour le maitre de l'euphonium Steven Mead, est d'une grande virtuosite. Steven Mead en assura d'ailleurs la creation et la promotion sur les scenes du monde entier. Le titre fait reference a la fois au dedicataire de la piece et au concept europeen. Du jazz aux elements traditionnels en passant par des couleurs plus romantiques, cette piece contient tous les ingredients pour un succes grand public !

Sir Eu was commissioned by the regional music authority of Upper Austria and the brass band SoundINNBrass. The composition was meant to be very virtuoso and was written for the euphonium player Steven Mead, who premiered it and has played it regularly worldwide. The title Sir Eu alludes to the master of the euphonium himself, and also to the concept of Europe. From jazz through romanticism to folkloristic elements - this work offers everything that the musical heart could wish for!

Instrumentation :

Concert band

Publisher :

Hal Leonard

Level : See all items with the same classification and the same skill level

Seller information:Sheetmusicplus
Place :USA
Shipping :World wide shipping
Shipping cost :For USA : $2.99 (no matter how much items your buy)
For other countries : $2.99 minimum cost

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