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Sacrarum Cantionum quinque et sex vocum, Liber secundus

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SATB Choir (Mixed choir)

SKU: BA.BA02936

Composed by Leonhard Lechner. Edited by Konrad Ameln. This edition: complete edition, urtext edition. Linen. Leonhard Lechner Works 6. Complete edition, Singing Score, anthology. Composed 1581. Baerenreiter Verlag #BA02936_00. Published by Baerenreiter Verlag (BA.BA02936).

ISBN 9790006427758. 27.6 x 19.8 cm inches.

27 Kompositionen. Urtext der Lechner-Gesamtausgabe.

About Barenreiter Urtext

What can I expect from a Barenreiter Urtext edition?

- A reliable musical text based on all available sources
- A description of the sources
- Information on the genesis and history of the work
- Valuable notes on performance practice
- Includes an introduction with critical commentary explaining source discrepancies and editorial decisions

- Page-turns, fold-out pages, and cues where you need them
- A well-presented layout and a user-friendly format
- Excellent print quality
- Superior paper and binding

Instrumentation :

Choral SATB

Publisher :


Song List: Adaperiat Dominus cor vestrum Annus finit iter Beati omnes, qui timent Dominum Confiteantur tibi populi Deus Da pacem, Domine Deus noster refugium et virtus Diffugere nives Domine Deus Israel Ducite ab urbe domum Dulcis et rectus Dominus Ecce nunc benedicite Domino Fama mihi egregiam Felix o ter et amplius Gabriel archangelus apparuit Zachariae Grates nunc omnes reddamus In illo tempore stetit Jesus In tenebris nostrae Mellitissime quaeso, mi Melisse Ne intres in iudicium Noridos ingreditur Septemvir O admirabile commertium Quasi insigne carbunculi Risi, ploro, fui, non sum Si bona suscepimus Si pietas, si sancta fides Surge propera, amica mea Vivere vis recte

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