| Die Geburt Christi $3.95 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 2 to 3 weeksSATTBB vocal soli, SATB/SATB choir, SSA children's choir, congregation, oboe, 2 violins, viola, cello, contrabass, organ, armo - Level 2 SKU: CA.4019606 Composed by Heinrich von Herzogenberg. Children's choir. Sacred vocal music, Oratorios, Christmas. Choral Score. Op. 90. 4 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 40.196/06. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.4019606). ISBN 9790007181482. Language: German. The Christmas oratorio Die Geburt Christi op. 90 was first performed in 1894 in the St. Thomas Church in Strassburg and today it has been rediscovered. It is the first of a trio of so-called church oratorios by Brahms's friend, Heinrich von Herzogenberg. It was followed by Die Passion op. 93 and Erntefeier op. 104, all of which have been published by Carus in reprints of earlier editions. With these works which are partly neo-baroque, partly late romantic choral works, Herzogenberg commits himself to a new form of the Protestant worship service characterized by a high artistic level, but still near to the congregation. Allowing the choir to be accompanied by instruments outside the closed liturgical form of the service goes back to a concept of the theologian from Strasbourg, Friedrich Spitta. Since Christmas was a good occasion for the choir to perform independently, Spitta decided to put together the text for a Christmas oratorio and to commission Herzogenberg to realize it musically. Score available separately - see item CA.4019600. Instrumentation : Publisher : Carus Verlag Level :  |