Composed by Frederic Chopin. Edited by Alex Szilasi. This edition: Facsimile. Esther - Collection Romantique. CD. Duration 64 minutes 36 seconds. Published by Anne Fuzeau Productions - France (FZ.50504).
12.50 x 14.00 cm inches.
Anne Fuzeau Classique propose to discover our facsimiles' music in CD. The complete bicentennial edition of the works of Frederic Chopin on facsimile. Alex Szilasi plays on authentic PLEYEL piano. 19 Valses : 1 - KK IVb no. 11 (a-moll - A minor - La mineur) - 1'54''. 2 - KK IVa no. 13 (Asz-dur - A flat major - La bemol) - 1'25''. 3 - KK IVb no. 12 (E-dur - E major - Mi majeur) - 2'23''. 4 - KK IVa no. 14 (Esz-dur - E flat major - Mi bemol majeur) - 2'21''. 5 - KK IVa no. 15 (e-moll - E minor - Mi mineur) - 2'58''. 6 - KK IVb no. 10 (Esz-dur - E flat major - Mi bemol majeur) - 1'56''. 7 - Op. 18 Grande Valses Brillante (Esz-dur - E flat major - Mi bemol majeur) - 6'02''. 8 - Op. 34 no. 1 Grande Valses Brillante (Asz-dur - A flat major - La bemol) - 5'56''. 9 - Op. 34 no. 2 Grande Valses Brillante (a-moll - A minor - La mineur) - 6'23''. 10 - Op. 34 no. 3 Grande Valses Brillante (F-dur - F major - Fa majeur) - 2'33''. 11 - Op. posth. 69 no. 2 (h-moll - B minor - Si mineur) - 3'34''. 12 - Op. posth. 70 no. 1 (Gesz-dur - G flat major - Sol bemol majeur) - 2'17''. 13 - Op. posth. 70 no. 2 (f-moll - F minor - fa mineur) - 1'41''. 14 - Op. posth. 70 no. 3 (Desz-dur - D flat major - Re bemol majeur) - 2'31''. 15 - Op. 64 no. 3 (Asz-dur - A flat major - La bemol) - 3'21''. 16 - Op. posth. 69 no. 1 (Asz-dur - A flat major - La bemol) - 3'47''. 17 - Op. 64 no. 1 (Desz-dur - D flat major - Re bemol majeur) - 1'57''. 18 - Op. 64 no. 2 (cisz-dur - C sharp minor - Ut diese mineur) - 3'54''. 19 - Op. 42 Grande Valse (Asz-dur - A flat major - La bemol majeur) - 4'02''. Trois Ecossaises : 20 - Op. posth. 72 no. 3 (D-dur - D Major - Re majeur) - 1'05''. 21 - Op. posth. 72 no. 4 (G-dur - G Major - Sol majeur) - 0'37''. 22 - Op. posth. 72 no. 5 (Desz-dur - D flat Major - Re bemol majeur) - 0'37''.