| Hosanna $2.65 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 1 to 2 weeksSATB choir, children's choir or solo, organ - Late Intermediate SKU: MN.50-3023 Composed by Jacobus Kloppers. Catholic Year A Passion/Palm Sunday; Year A Passion/Palm Sunday; Catholic Year C Passion/Palm Sunday;;. Advent, Lent, Passion/Palm Sunday. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-3023. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-3023). UPC: 688670530234. Palm Sunday/Advent anthem. Swelling exultation greeting Christ's entrance into Jerusalem reflected in opening and closing sections. Slower middle sectionBlessed is He... ponders Christ's advent on more symbolic level (including reference toLo, How a Rose). Organ provides fanfare motifs for opening and closing sections and meditative mood of middle section. Instrumentation : Publisher : MorningStar Music Publishers Level :  |