| Ruega por Nosotros, Madre de la Iglesia $2.40 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 1 to 2 weeks2-part equal voices, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, guitar - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-10572 Pray for Us, Mother of All Nations. Composed by Christian Leaños & Lourdes C. Montgomery. Advent, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Immaculate Conception, Ascension, Assumption Vigil, Assumption, Mary Mother of God. Tu Pueblo Canta. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 8 pages. GIA Publications #10572. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-10572). English, Spanish. Text Source: Estrofas / Vss.: Bernardo Velado Graña, 1922&ndash,2012, tr. al ing. / Eng. tr.: Gypsy Lodos &, Juan J. Sosa, Estribillo / Ref.: Christian Leaños &, Lourdes C. Montgomery; Translation: Gypsy Lodos. Text by Bernardo Velado Graña. Instrumentation : Publisher : GIA Publications Level :  |