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Somos Católicos - Año B

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SKU: GI.G-012145

Libro de Actividades Extras. Children. Sacred. GIA Publications #012145. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-012145).


Todo un año litúrgico con actividades para niños basadas en el leccionario. El contiendo de este recurso puede ser usado por profesores, catequistas y familias, incluye diferentes actividades propias para niños de entre 5 y 10 años. Este libro incluye un CD-ROM que contiene todas las páginas de los domingos y de otras celebraciones importantes en el calendario litúrgico. A full year of Lectionary-based puzzles, stories, word games, and coloring pages for children ranging from ages 5-10, with all text written in Spanish! This is a great resource for teachers, catechists, and families working with small children, wishing to expand their basic knowledge of the Catholic Church and its teachings. Each book comes with an included CD-ROM that contains reproducible pages for every Sunday and major feast days. Pages are undated so these activities can be shared year after year.

Publisher :

GIA Publications

Seller information:Sheetmusicplus
Place :USA
Shipping :World wide shipping
Shipping cost :For USA : $2.99 (no matter how much items your buy)
For other countries : $2.99 minimum cost

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