| Create in Me / Crea en Mí $2.50 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 1 to 2 weeksSATB choir, cantor, voice solo, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, clarinet in B-flat, violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, guitar - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-8273 Composed by Tony Alonso S.J. Arranged by Chris De Silva. Lent, Ash Wednesday, Easter Vigil. Celebration Series. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 16 pages. GIA Publications #8273. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-8273). UPC: 785147827306. English, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog. Text source: Psalm 51, adapt. Scripture: Psalm 51. The flowing accompaniment of this song creates a feeling of vastness within a palette of simplicity. The text (sung in English, Spanish, Korean, and Tagalog) underscores the universality of Psalm 51’s plea for the presence of God in our hearts. For cantor or soloist. Instrumentation : Sub-instrumentation : Publisher : GIA Publications Level :  |