SKU: GI.G-10000LS
This edition: Lead Sheet edition. Sacred. 1658 pages. GIA Publications #10000LS. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-10000LS). The lead sheet edition comes in three volumes and contains melody and chords only. They are, for the most part, contained on two facing pages, making this edition ideal for guitarists, bass players, percussionists, and pianists who want to cut down on page turns.  Gather, Fourth Edition has been intentionally designed to be GIA’s most representative and relevant Catholic hymnal to date.  The musical contents represent the contemporary Catholic church, featuring a culturally diverse roster of composers and a wider breadth of musical styles.  Gather, Fourth Edition is also designed to work seamlessly with various digital assets, making it accessible and relevant in our technology-based world. It is the first hardbound GIA hymnal to be fully coordinated for use with OneLicense, GIA’s Hymnals App, and the new GIA Choral Cloud Subscription.