Guitar, cello SKU: FG.55011-324-5
Composed by Kai Nieminen. Playing score. Fennica Gehrman #55011-324-5. Published by Fennica Gehrman (FG.55011-324-5). Canti Notturnali for cello and guitar has two movements played attacca, duration about 12-13 minutes. The harmonic and melodic material uses mainly the scale build from the open strings of both instruments. Because the guitar has an atypical scordatura (Eb,Ab,D,G,Bb,E) the scale is C,D,Eb,E,G,Ab,A,Bb. According to the composer, the inspiration for this piece came to him during his stay in Lapland. One can imagine, that in the first movement (Spettrale) one is wandering in Lapland during the Kaamos time (a Finnish word for the polar night). Surrounded by the blue twilight you are not anymore sure if all the disturbing noises are made by wind and nature . Or maybe the spirits are trying to scare you? The anticipation rises until the end of the I movement and discharges to the dance-like II movement (Notturnale). Now the spirits are dancing and singing together with the nature ,,a lullaby until the night and darkness comes.