Song List:
Ave Maria - Peter Guy
Ave maris stella - Brooke Shelley
Be present, O merciful God - Owen Elsley
Blessed be the Holy Trinity - Peter Campbell
A Blessing - Graeme Morton
By the waters of Babylon* - David Drury
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life - June Nixon
et ait angelus ei: - Josephine Gibson
Hear, O Israel - Joseph Twist
I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills - Anthony Hunt
An Irish Blessing - Michael Leighton Jones
It is well with my soul - Thomas Rimes
The Lord’s Prayer - Daniel Riley
May the Lord support us - Sarah Elise Thompson
Pater Noster - Owen Elsley
Peace I leave with you - Andrew Goodwin
Praise the Lord* - Brooke Shelley
A Prayer of Self-Dedication - Bernard Kirkpatrick
A Prayer of St Richard of Chichester - Michael Leighton Jones