| A Bach $43.95 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 4 to 6 weeksString quartet SKU: BO.B.3388 Composed by Jordi Cervello. Instrumental Sets. Duration 10:12. Published by Editorial de Musica Boileau (BO.B.3388). English comments: A Bach for string quartet is another evocation of the past, in this case of J.S. Bach's works for violin. Written in 2004, it is a recreation of two of the most important movements in the series of Sonatas and Partitas: The Adagio of the third Sonata and the Prelude of the third Partita (BWV 1005 and 1006, respectively). Jordi Cervello was a violinist and, as such, it should come as no surprise that he once again makes use of compositions written for his instrument. The Adagio, here in common time (the original by Bach is in three-four time), keeps up the constant rhythmic figure of the dotted quaver and semi-quaver throughout the movement, with a calmness that is shrouded in mystery. The second movement, Preludiando, retains the same lively spirit as the original, but explores different moods. Moments of calm, vigour and even some dramatic points give it a new dimension thanks to the fact that it is written for a quartet and to Cervello's original treatment of harmony and counterpoint.
Comentarios del Espanol: A Bach para cuarteto de cuerda es otra evocacion del pasado, en este caso de la obra para violin de J.S. Bach. Escrita el ano 2004, se trata de una recreacion de dos de los movimientos mas importantes de la serie de Sonatas y Partitas: El Adagio de la tercera Sonata y el Preludio de la tercera Partita (BWV 1005 y 1006 respectivamente). Jordi Cervello fue violinista y, como tal, no debe sorprender que una vez mas se sirva de material compositivo procedente de su instrumento. El Adagio, aqui en compas de cuatro (el original de Bach es de tres) conserva en todo el movimiento la constante figura ritmica de corchea con puntillo y semicorchea, dentro de un clima sereno pero rodeado de misterio. El segundo movimiento, Preludiando, conserva el mismo espiritu vivo del original, pero recorriendo diferentes estados de animo. Momentos de calma, de vigor e incluso dramaticos dan nueva dimension gracias a la escritura cuartetistica y al original tratamiento armonico y contrapuntistico de Cervello. A Bach se estreno en La Pedrera de Barcelona dentro del ciclo Celebracions de la Fundacio Caixa de Catalunya en el ano 2006 con el Quarteto Prometeo. Instrumentation : Publisher : Editorial de Musica Boileau |