| The Ultimate '80s Party Hits $137.95 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 2 to 3 weeksFormat : Score and Parts Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1135409-010 Composed by Claydes Smith, Dennis Thomas, Earl Toon, Eumir Deadato, George Brown, George Merrill, James Patterson, James Taylor, Jim Steinman, Kevin Adams, Kevin Rowland, Robert Bell, Robert Mickens, Ronald Bell, and Shannon Rubicam. Arranged by Peter Kleine Schaars. Peter's Popular Collection. Pop & Rock. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2012. De Haske Publications #DHP 1135409-010. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1135409-010). 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Which are your favourite hits from the 1980s? There are certainly many answers to this question - but many responses are likely to contain these songs: Kool and the Gang’s disco classic Celebration, Come On Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody and Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. These four numbers have been arranged by Peter Kleine Schaars as a fantastic ’80s retro medley for concert band.
Wat zijn uw lievelingshits van de jaren tachtig? Daarop kunt u natuurlijk met vele mogelijkheden antwoorden. Maar de kans is groot dat u sowieso een van onderstaande hits noemt! In The Ultimate 80’s Party Hits verwerkte Peter Kleine Schaars de volgende ‘toffe’ nummers: Celebration van Cool and the Gang, Come on Eileen van de Dexys Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance with Somebody van Whitney Houston en Total Eclipse of the Heart van Bonnie Tyler.
Was sind ihre Lieblings-Hits aus den 80er-Jahren? Die Antwort auf diese Frage fällt sicherlich vielfältig aus - ebenso sicher werden aber diese vier Lieder sehr häufig dabei sein: der Disco-Hit Celebration von Kool and the Gang, Come on Eileen von den Dexys Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance with Somebody von Whitney Houston und Total Eclipse of the Heart von Bonnie Tyler. Diese vier Titel wurden von Peter Kleine Schaars zu einem wunderbaren 80’s-Revival-Medley für Blasorchester zusammengefügt.
Quels sont les tubes des années 80 qui vous ont le plus marqués ? De multiples réponses s’offrent cette question, cependant quatre chansons se classent en tête du palmarès : Celebration de Kool and the Gang, Come on Eileen de Dexy Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance With Somebody de Whitney Houston et Total Eclipse of the Heart de Bonnie Tyler. Ces quatre titres ont été réunis par Peter Kleine Schaars dans un inoubliable medley aux accents des années 80.
Quali sono le vostre canzoni preferite degli anni ’80? A questa domanda, le risposte sono sicuramente le più svariate; ci sono però delle canzoni che si posizionano ai primi posti per tutti. Si tratta di veri e propri successi intramontabili, gemme del repertorio, come Celebration di Kool and The Gang, Come on Eileen dei Dexys Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance With Somebody di Whitney Houston e Total Eclipse of the Heart di Bonnie Tyler, tutti raccolti in questo splendido revival firmato Peter Kleine Schaars. Instrumentation : Publisher : De Haske Publications Level :  |