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Alliance of the Free

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Format : Score and Parts

Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4

SKU: BT.CMP-0642-02-010

Composed by James Hosay. Prestige Series. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2002. Curnow Music #CMP 0642-02-010. Published by Curnow Music (BT.CMP-0642-02-010).

For the opening ceremony of the fiftieth anniversary of NATO, James L. Hosay was commissioned to write a special march. The heads of state of all member states of NATO were present at this event. According to instructions, the march had to be a combination of marches in American, Western European and Eastern European style. This way, a concert march was written to outline the history of the greatest alliance ever of countries working together. Now your band and audience can experience this piece of world history in a tribute to the Alliance of the Free!

Cette marche est une œuvre de commande composĂ©e spĂ©cialement par James L. Hosay pour la cĂ©rĂ©monie d’ouverture du cinquantième anniversaire de la crĂ©ation de l’OTAN. Les chefs de tous les États membres de l’Alliance Nord-Atlantique Ă©taient prĂ©sents cet Ă©vĂ©nement. Selon les instructions donnĂ©es au compositeur, l’œuvre devait combiner les diffĂ©rents styles des marches d’AmĂ©rique du Nord, d’Europe occidentale et d’Europe de l’Est. partir de ces Ă©lĂ©ments, James L. Hosay a composĂ© une marche de concert qui illustre l’histoire de la plus grande alliance ayant jamais existĂ© entre des pays collaborant au sein d’une mĂŞme organisation. Cet hommage rendu l’Alliance des Pays Libres permet de cĂ©lĂ©brer lors d’un concert une part importante de l’histoire mondiale.

Instrumentation :

Concert band

Publisher :

Curnow Music

Level : See all items with the same classification and the same skill level

Seller information:Sheetmusicplus
Place :USA
Shipping :World wide shipping
Shipping cost :For USA : $2.99 (no matter how much items your buy)
For other countries : $2.99 minimum cost

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